Saturday, February 27, 2010

Miss Workman's Classroom Olympics

Blade is demonstrating the Paper Plate Discus throw!

Rachel is showing us the Giant Step event.

We had a great time celebrating the winter Olympics. It was also a fun way to learn how to measure. Students participated in several different events and the winner received a golden certificate. In this picture Cheyenne is demonstrating the Cotton Ball Throw!

President's Day

We did a lot to celebrate President's Day and learn about our leaders George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. They were so cute and wanted to know more about each of the presidents! We finished our study by making fun hats!

The back of George! Love the wigs!

George Washington

Abraham Lincoln

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

Lee and McKenzie are having a great time opening their Valentine's!

Heather tells her family she loves them.

Blade is telling his family that he loves them!

Corinne and Kevin are showing off their very cute elephant valentine's boxes! So fun!

Great Job Nikki!

Great job Nikki! She read all of her popcorn words. Way to go!

100's Day

We joined the other K class and watched One Hundred and One Dalmations.

We made a fun 100's day snack with 100 snack items.

Clayton's cool glasses!

We made a really fun pair of glasses to celebrate 100's day!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bear Print Measuring

We made actual polar bear foot prints and used them to measure the length of our classroom and the length of our school hallway. The students estimated how many foot prints long both the classroom and hallway were and then we actually measured. It was great fun and such a great learning opportunity for students.

Livy and Ashton

Ashton and Livy did a great job presenting to us information on bears. They did their research by looking through lots of different books on bears. Ashton even found a great website for us to watch a real bear hibernate. We loved watching the bear all day! Great job Livy and Ashton!