Friday, May 21, 2010

Q and U Wedding

The boys setting up the wedding ceremony.
Friends begin to arrive

Letter Qq...very handsome!

The flower girl carried letters.

Here comes Uu....all smiles!

The rings

The cake

Qq and Uu eating their cake!

Qq and Uu's first dance! I love letter Aa's face in the background!

Zz and Vv dancing!

All of the letters breaking it down!

Letter Aa doing The Worm!
What a fun filled afternoon! They were so cute and seemed to really enjoy their time making it a special event. We also spent time writing words that started with qu. It was lots of fun!

Monday, May 17, 2010

We shared with parents some of what we have been learning during our reading workshop time. Then we sang a few songs for our parents. After our program we had a pizza picnic with parents! It was a great day!

Our literacy luncheon was so much fun! We invited parents to come and visit our classroom and learn a little bit more about what we do all day as well as celebrate our accomplishments this year! Students were split into groups and each student took time to read their All About Me books that they had written during writing time.

Popcorn Party

We have all read our popcorn words and so what better way to celebrate than with a popcorn and pop party! Heather is enjoying her popcorn while watching the movie A Bug's Life

Hayden and Lauren head to their sits to sip their caffeine free pop! Miss Workman made sure to get just the right kind of pop!

Nikki is so happy that everyone read their popcorn words! Great job Kindergarten!

Yeah Cheyenne!

Cheyenne read all of her popcorn words! Great job!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Hailey is ready to get on the bus and head to the OARDC!

Clayton and Michael are so excited!

We had to wear protective foot wear as we went into the barns!

The kids are all lined up to get a look at the turkeys in the turkey barn!

Again the kids did great at lining up to look at the cows!

We loved petting the baby cows and letting them suck on our fingers!

The bugs were really cool too!

Lunch break

Mr. Michel took us on a very cool hike through the woods and showed us some very tall trees!

Lee and Quon enjoyed picking dandelions and trying to figure out how the OARDC will make rubber out of them!

KWL Charts

We have been doing a unit on nonfiction. These kids are amazing! A KWL chart was modeled for students and we talked about how and why we use charts like these during research. Students were then put into groups to make their own KWL chart. We had students researching frogs, bears, octopus, raccoons and gorillas. They did amazing and are learning so much about their animals! I am very proud of this group of kids and how well they work together!