Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Congratulations Alex and Isabelle!

Way to go Alex and Isabelle on learning and reading your popcorn words! Great job!

Grandparents Day

Grandparents Day was a success day with over 30 grandparents there! We sang songs, shared poems and showed all that we are learning in Kindergarten!

What a wonderful day with our grandparents! Thank you for coming!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Popcorn Word Readers

Way to go Lola!!!

Awesome job Sam!

Great work Christian!

Apple Day

We had a lot of fun on apple day with many different activities! We started with tasting a red, yellow and green apple slice. Students then painted their apple according to which was their favorite. The red ones won.....they were honeycrisp apples which I think are the best too!

We had lots of apple snacks; apple bread, apple muffins, apple pie, apple cookies, apple suckers, apple cider and apple juice! So much yummy food! The kids loved it too!

Students made Johnny Appleseed hats that really look like pots! They walked around all day saying, "I am Johnny Appleseed!"

Finally, we made apple men with bouncy arms and legs! Apple day was lots of fun!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Third Grade Friends

Mrs. Arko's third grade class have become our classroom buddies this year! We love having them come to our room each Friday afternoon. More pictures to come with our friends!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Mr. Jewell

Mr. Jewell came and read to us 2 of Sam's favorite books a few weeks ago! One of the books was about a shark eating a teacher!!!! I have not been to the ocean since and am keeping very close eyes on my kids! Thank you Mr. Jewell!