Students trying our many yummy apple snacks!

What is their favorite?

We read this very good book on Johnny Appleseed and made hats to look like what he wore!

Here is the information we collected on students favorite kind of apples.

We tried many different apple food items. We had apple cider, apple juice, apple pie, apple muffins, apple butter, and apple breakfast bars. Yummy!

McKenzie found the green worm!

We played a game where we had to look for the missing worm behind the apples with numbers. Students had to guess the number.

We tasted a piece of a red, green and yellow apple and decided which was our favorite. Students painted an apple the color that was their favorite and then we looked to see the overall favorite for the class.

Ashley was measured!

We did measuring with our apples!

Students did a great job on apple day! I heard lots of "This is so much fun!" " I love apple day!"
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