Friday, March 9, 2012

Colston and Brinnley

Colston and Brinnley each read their popcorn words a few weeks ago! Way to go! We are getting so close to everyone being done with reading their popcorn words! Great job!

Scientists Olivia and Sam

Elephant toothpaste!

Great job Olivia on your science project!

Mr. Jewell (the mad scientist) came into our classroom to help Sam with his experiment. We had so much fun watching 5 2-liter bottles of pop explode! It was great fun to see how high the explosion was when they added more menthos! Great job Sam!

A wedding

We had a wedding in our classroom last week. Qq and Uu got married! Lots of boys and girls came dressed appropriately for a wedding. The boys wore suits and ties and the girls had on beautiful dresses.

Josh and Gabby are ready for the wedding.

Q and U

Each student was a letter. All the letters came to the wedding!

The rings

Colston and Olivia had a lot of fun dancing to the ABC song.

Maddie and Lola enjoyed dancing too!

Anthony and Heidy like to dance fast!

We had so much fun!

Lola's mom made us a beautiful cake! It was yummy too!

Q and U tried to feed each other cake! It was a really great time and we all had so much fun learning about q and u!